WSP Swarm GA’d

WSP Sparm GA’d By Pros going into Major 3 CDL Qualifiers

If you have been paying attention to the recent weapon balancing in the Season 3 update of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3… You know CDL pros have been losing their cookies over the WSP Swarm’s TTK. Most agree, the gun should not be used in competitive gameplay. Others, such as Atlanta Faze’s Simp taking a different route and going as far as using the Swarm in team scrims.

WSP Swarm GA

Pros were FUMING

Pros such as Dashy can be seen fuming about the SMG in the clip below. To make things even worse, the MCW has been given a massive nerf by devs, rendering the weapon hot garbage against the Rival 9 even in cross map situations. Throw in the WSP Swarm’s incredibly fast TTK and I think it would be fair to say that AR players sit at a pretty obvious disadvantage.

Damn my bad Breszy
byu/Phrotty inCoDCompetitive

Bye Bye WSP Swarm

Luckily for AR players however, recent developments by pros say that they have now solidified that GA (Gentleman’s Agreement) for the removal of the WSP Swarm from competitive COD. We will likely be seeing the weapon removed from the Ranked Play (CDL Game Modes) in the near future as well.

Now, for the MCW or AR class as a whole? Time will only tell… However, both casuals and pros alike agree that something needs to be done. I think that it would be fair to say that we should see the situation addressed shortly, before the Major 3 qualifiers begin.

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